Biology/Chemistry Resources:
Great websites for Biology/Chemistry: (Discovery Institute) Scientific studies, articles, videos, books and evidence from multiple scientists pointing to the powerful evidence for an intelligent designer. (Dr. Stephen Meyer) One of the leading scientists at the Discovery Institute author of several outstanding books on the Scientific support for an intelligent designer and the glaring short-comings of a purely materialistic explanation for life. (Dr. James Tour) an award winning internationally recognized expert scientist, synthetic organic chemist, expert in nano structures, publisher of multiple science journal articles, holder of hundreds of patents who gives a devastating expose of utter inadequacies of material explanations for the origin of life. He has a popular youtube channel as well. (Section of the reasons website that focusses on the work of Biochemist Dr. Fazale Rana who has written a number of books, created videos, interviews and extensive articles about the powerful evidence for an intelligent designer of life.